Legal Ways To Pay Less And Save More In Tax

tax deduction

Wouldn’t you prefer to lighten the tax load? Well, there isn’t anyone who wouldn’t cherish it. However, there are several things you can do to actually save your tax or increase your tax refund.

Most importantly, none of these methods are illegal.

But most of the time it doesn’t come to your mind.  If you have no idea how to go about it, hire experts who can help you find ways to reduce the tax bills.

Here are some of the easy ways you can save money on the tax.

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Table Of Contents

  1. How To Save Money On Taxes?
  2. How To Reduce Federal Taxes?
  3. How To Take The Right Deduction?

How To Save Money On Taxes?

tips to save money on taxes

Give yourself a raise– One of the ideal ways is to give yourself a raise.  If you have a tax refund this year, it means you have paid more than you actually needed to.

Simply talk to your employer about it and he would ensure you get more money when you earn it.

Now, if you are average, you deserve a raise of $225 a month extra. You can talk to the experts offering tax services to help you.

Boost the retirement savings– One of the other ideal ways to lower the tax bill is by reducing the taxable income. You can contribute up to $17,500 to the 401(k) or similar retirement savings plan.

Interestingly, the money contributed to this plan doesn’t get included in the tax income. If you haven’t started one, you can talk to your tax service expert regarding how to save tax.

Check if you qualify for earned income tax credit– the earned income tax credit applies to low and moderate-income taxpayers. They can offer credit as high as $6000.

In fact, several tax service experts have urged taxpayers earning less than $50,000 to check whether the credit applies to them.

Many people qualify however without knowledge lose out on the benefits. Availing tax services can help you solve this doubt.

Related Article: Tax Planning For Beginners- Some Key Principles For You

How To Reduce Federal Taxes?

reduce the burden of federal taxes

Start Your Own Business

Become an entrepreneur as it can improve your tax situations. It is because the business owners can take control over how they pay their taxes.

You also have the option of keeping more money in the company than drawing it as income. You can even count some costs as expenses.

Tax professionals can help you navigate the ins and outs of these expenses that are lengthy. So, now you know how to lower your taxable income.

Can You Save On Taxes?

One of the first questions you need to determine is whether you need to enlist the help of a professional to handle your business taxes — and help you plan in advance so that you can take advantage of certain deductions.Get in touch today


How To Take The Right Deduction?

claim the right tax deduction

Set Up Books And Records

Even though you may use a casual approach to recordkeeping for personal taxes, you cannot do this for business. The tax law particularly requires certain records in order to take deductions.

Without the records, legitimate expenditures may not be deductible. Here’s what you must comply with tax rules:

A system to track the income and expenses– you can do it easily with a computer-based recordkeeping solution that enables you to handle the matter yourself.

Procedures to collect and store required receipts and other proof– set up file systems to categorize your receipts.

Finally, these are the ways to reduce the tax bills. Make sure you hire an expert to get the best results.

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    Santa Monica

    Marina Del Rey

    Beverly Hills

    Jarrar & Associates CPA, 100 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 700, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates: Sam, 475 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, CA 90292, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates CPA, Inc., 433 North Camden Drive #400, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States, (310) 887-1313

    Dealing with Tax Problems- IRS Problem and Solution

    IRS problem and solution

    Every year numerous people run into trouble with the IRS. You might have unpaid taxes or unfiled returns or facing audit or garnishment, etc.

    In other words, there are several IRS tax problems that you might have to face if you don’t hire proper CPAs. However, regardless of these problems, there is a resolution.

    The IRS is willing to work with the taxpayers, and a tax professional can help you deal with the IRS. Here are some of the common tax-related problems that you might have.

    Schedule A Consultation Today!

    Table Of Contents

    1. What Are Unpaid Taxes?
    2. What To Know About Tax Lien?
    3. What Is Tax Levy?
    4. How To Deal With Unfiled Tax Return?

    What Are Unpaid Taxes?

    unpaid taxes


    Do you have any unpaid tax? The best option is to pay the balance in full. Nut if you cannot afford it, the IRS has several options.

    Depending on how much you owe and the current financial situation, you might be able to set up the payment plan or pay less than the total balance.

    In some cases, you might even get the account labeled as not collectible whereby the IRS suspends temporarily all collection activity.

    To get proper help, you can of course get in touch with the tax experts for tax problem-solving.

    What To Know About Tax Lien?

    what is tax lien


    When the IRS files the Notice of Federal Tax Lien, it alerts the creditors the IRS has a legal claim against the property.

    Now, at this point, the IRS is not taking the property yet. Also, traditionally the tax liens show up on the credit report.

    To sort this income taxation problem solving, you must contact the IRS immediately for making arrangements as soon as possible.

    Tax Lien Important Jarrar CPA

    Why is Tax Lien Important?

    When you have unpaid taxes, the tax lien is one of the important steps the IRS actually takes against you. The tax lien is a legal claim to the assets. For example, if you have a car loan, the lender has a lien against the vehicle.

    Get in touch today

    What Is Tax Levy?


    tax levy


    The tax levy is when the IRS actually starts seizing the assets. It is one of the agency’s harshest collection methods undoubtedly.

    Through this, the IRS takes the money from your bank account, real estate, cars, and almost anything holding value.

    Usually, the IRS gives you a time period of 30 days before moving ahead with the tax levy and provides you the right to hear.

    So, if you have already received the tax levy notice, you must act quickly to stop it from taking the assets. Hiring a tax expert would be really helpful in solving problems with taxes today.

    Related Article: What Happens If You Cannot Pay Taxes You Owe?

    How To Deal With Unfiled Tax Return?

    income tax return


    Do you have returns that you have never filed? Now, the fees and penalties for the unfiled returns are really worse than the penalties for unpaid taxes.

    Even if you cannot pay, you must file the return. There is a statute of limitation for audits and tax debt. But in both cases, the clock doesn’t start ticking until you prepare as well as submit the tax return of the IRS file for you.

    If you don’t have the right documentation or money to pay, the tax specialist can help you file the taxes back.

    For tax problems and solutions, you must hire proper experts with sound knowledge and experience.

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      Santa Monica

      Marina Del Rey

      Beverly Hills

      Jarrar & Associates CPA, 100 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 700, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates: Sam, 475 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, CA 90292, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates CPA, Inc., 433 North Camden Drive #400, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States, (310) 887-1313

      Tax Planning For Beginners- Some Key Principles For You

      tax planning for beginners

      Tax planning involves assessing the financial situation from the taxpayer’s perspective. It helps reduce the money that you owe the government. The goal is taking that money and choosing financial options for promoting tax treatments.

      Do it through proper planning, including strategizing, timing, leveraging tax-advantageous vehicles, and more. Let us check out some basic principles for the benefit of individuals and small business owners.

      Schedule A Consultation Today!

      Table Of Contents

      1. Estimate The Total Income
      2. Take Time For Financial Transactions
      3. Choose The Right Tax Deductions
      4. Retain Essential Documents
      5. Team Up With Professionals
      6. Understand Tax Credits

      Estimate The Total Income

      tax services beverly hills


      The first step in income tax planning is determining how much money you have or expect to earn for that calendar year. For anyone working as an employee, the primary source will be the W-2 that the employer will send within January 31. You even have various 1099s for miscellaneous incomes.

      Take Time For Financial Transactions

      financial transactions


      Simple Tax planning strategies for high income earners to reduce tax liability is this: defer revenue, accelerate expenses. What in the world does this mean?

      It is most useful for businesses with high revenues and expenditure. It holds for individuals.

      While maximizing retirement benefits may seem like a bonus, business owners can get into the action. If you have any extra income, set up a 401(k) in your business for the employees and yourself.

      There are many plans for small businesses, such as IRAs, SEPs, and more.

      Some amount of reading, a little common sense, and a trusted financial advisor can go a long way to help reduce the tax bill.

      Choose The Right Tax Deductions

      tax deductions


      For financial planning tax deduction, you have two deduction options: standard tax deduction and itemized tax deduction. You may only choose one every year.

      With the changes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, voted on December 22, 2017, and effected for the upcoming tax year, this area has changed.

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      Retain Essential Documents

      retain essential documents


      As you have seen, as a new business owner, you will need a financial statement filing for tax returns. Whether filing a Schedule C or a business tax return, it is essential to retain all the financial records. These include bills, invoices, receipts, slips, and other documents related to money transactions.

      Business owners should keep copies of their previous year’s tax returns for three years after filing. It is usually the statute of limitation for the IRS to audit the return or for you to amend the return.

      Related Article: How To Choose Right Tax Accountant

      Team Up With Professionals

      tax planning strategies


      It is difficult going ahead with business tax planning on your own. For this reason, most experts recommend business owners get help with preparing for tax season from an experienced accountant.

      Even individual filers with complicated investments, deductions, and contributions must consider getting expert assistance.

      Understand Tax Credits

      understand tax credits


      Tax credits are government sponsored form of tax assistance. Unlike deductions, these credits lower the tax liability.

      It makes them superior savings options to reduce the tax burden- assuming you qualify. Individuals can take advantage of many tax credits.

      Finally, the key to America tax plan for new businesses lies in knowing what to do to streamline tax planning.

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        Santa Monica

        Marina Del Rey

        Beverly Hills

        Jarrar & Associates CPA, 100 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 700, Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates: Sam, 475 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, CA 90292, United States, (310) 887-1313 Jarrar & Associates CPA, Inc., 433 North Camden Drive #400, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States, (310) 887-1313